
The PTSA warmly welcomes all parents to join its various committees. 



Join A Committee Today!


PTSA Interest Form


Why Should I Volunteer?

You might be thinking, “When do I have time to volunteer? I’m too busy being working and a parent!” But consider this: volunteering is essential for everyone, and dedicating your time to your child’s school, especially in these last four years in high school,  could be one of the most impactful actions you take for your child and community. When you volunteer, you demonstrate that you value their education and development so much that you’re willing to invest your most precious resource—your time. This act shows unwavering support for them and their teachers, and it also allows you to connect with other parents and gain a deeper understanding of your child’s school life. 

We Need You!

Many people don’t volunteer simply because they’ve never been asked. So here we are, asking you now! Your time and expertise are incredibly valuable to our students and staff here at Marshall High School. The unique experiences and perspectives you bring enrich our community in ways that no one else can. Whether you can contribute a little time or a lot, whether you’re a mom, dad, or grandparent, WE NEED YOU! Your involvement is crucial; together, we can make a tremendous impact.

Join us in empowering students, building community, and shaping stronger futures.

PTSA Committee Descriptions:


Academic Letters

These awards are given to Junior and Senior students who earn a high GPA each year. The student receives an “M” letter in recognition of their achievement. The awards are handed out one day in October during all lunch periods. Responsibilities include working with school counselors to plan the event and creating a banner that hangs in the school. Requirement: Must be able to volunteer during school hours.


ANGC (All Night Grad Celebration)

ANGC is an all-night alcohol and drug-free party for graduating seniors held on the night of graduation in June. Hundreds of students attend this event, and planning and fundraising begin months in advance. Responsibilities include renting a facility (usually the Spring Hill Rec Center or other sports facility) for the night, coordinating food, games, a casino, prizes, gifts, security, etc. This committee requires many hands to help with the different areas of planning.



The audit committee consists of 2-3 people who review our financial records and transactions at the end of June to ensure accuracy. The other auditors collaborate to complete the yearly audit forms by the end of July. 


Baccalaureate – Senior Reflection Night

One parent from the Senior class plans the Baccalaureate ceremony, which has been transformed into Senior Reflection Night. This special event is open to all graduates who proudly wear their graduation gowns to celebrate and reflect on their past four years. The non-denominational ceremony, usually held the night before graduation in May/June, is a time for reflection, inspiration, and hope as the seniors look back on the achievements of the past four years.  Responsibilities include securing a location and finding a few seniors willing to share their experiences at Marshall. After the ceremony, there is a reception hosted by the Freshman class.


Class Parent Representative

As a Class Parent Representative, you’ll work with the Assistant Principal and Teachers to organize and host activities and fundraisers like homecoming, prom, plant sales, and the science fair. Your duties include creating signups, recruiting volunteers, and participating in the events. Each class has certain duties throughout the year; to learn about them, visit the Underclassmen and Senior pages.


Graphic Designer

As a volunteer Graphic Designer, you will collaborate with our PTSA members to create visually appealing designs for small projects, primarily focusing on T-shirt designs and occasional promotional items. This position requires only a few hours throughout the year and typically involves 2-5 small projects. Requirement:  Proficiency in rendering graphics in .eps format and vector.



The Hospitality committee runs events throughout the school year to show our teachers and staff how much we appreciate them. Such events include the Welcome Back Breakfast in August, lunches for various support staff, and our End of the Year Faculty & Staff Appreciation luncheon during school hours. The committee uses Signup Genius to get parent volunteers to donate food items and volunteer to serve at each event.


World Heritage Night

This is a special dinner held at school to celebrate our diverse community. Food from various countries is donated by parents and purchased from restaurants, and students put on entertainment. There are two co-chairs who lead a committee to organize the event, but we need many hands to help with food, decorations, serving food, picking up food, and more.


Liaisons to Kilmer/Longfellow/Thoreau

These are usually parents with students at both Marshall and the middle school who can communicate between the two schools.



This parent assists with collecting forms and money from parents joining the PTSA. The two biggest events that this parent needs to attend are Statesmen Start in August and Back to School Night in September, plus the Membership Lunch for staff in November. PTSA has a table at SS and BTSN, and the Membership chair works at these events to help promote PTSA membership. The chair tracks all dues and forms and works with the Treasurer and Secretary. Requirement:  Proficiency in Excel and/or Numbers.


Marshall Market

Marshall has a food pantry for students in need called the Marshall Market. The two co-chairs of this committee create and maintain an Amazon wish list of needed items, which is distributed to parents. They also use Signup Genius. They recruit any needed volunteers and work with student volunteers and members of Marshall’s counseling staff, who communicate confidentially with students in need of assistance. The Market provides Friday bags of non-perishable food plus special bags prior to Thanksgiving and winter break.


Reflections Art Contest

Reflections is an art contest held each year by PTSA’s across the country.  There are several categories and a theme each year.  Marshall students create original art and submit it by the deadline in the fall.  The chair promotes Reflections at Statesmen Start in August and Back to School Night in September and works with judges who choose the winning art.  There are prizes for winners, who then go on to compete at the county level.


Web Curator

One parent manages our PTSA website, keeping it up to date with meeting information, events, and other school happenings. Requirement: must be knowledgeable in WordPress.


PTSA Interest Form